About the second year programme
In this training programme you will deepen and strengthen your knowledge and skills as a coach/counsellor. After completion of this training programme, you will be able to guide people with a variety of issues in a profound way in self-examination and development. The second year programme will help you to become an independent working counsellor and will strengthen your coaching skills.
In four blocks of two practice days, we will explore different coaching areas that are important in everyday life:
- Personal life and health
- Family and relationships
- Career, leadership and team
- Mourning, trauma and recovery
In addition to these blocks, one class day will cover the psychology of change and one day will be about starting your own practice.
You will learn which themes, skills and interventions are helpful to guide and stimulate change. We will continuously combine theory and practice, and you will reflect on your own practice and actions in the process. You will also learn how to deal constructively with disturbances or resistance in the coaching process.
During the programme, you go through a growth process as a coach by receiving feedback from your teacher and fellow students. Intervision is an important part of the programme.
How do you specialise?
To choose a specialisation, you can opt to select a subject as covered in the four blocks, or you can choose your own specialisation aside of these blocks. Once you have selected a specific field, you will draft a plan together with your teacher to set up a project that will help you learn all the necessary skills and information to become a specialised coach/counsellor in the chosen field.
During the course of the programme, you will compile a portfolio of all practical sessions in class, as well as of your coaching sessions with (test-)clients. You will spend 40 hours working with test clients. At least half of these hours must be spent with clients in the area of your chosen specialisation.
Is this course suitable for you?
The second year programme is suitable for those who have successfully completed the first year programme or who have gained sufficient coaching/counselling experience otherwise, and who want to develop themselves further into professional and specialised coaches and counsellors.
What is the purpose of the programme?
The second year programme provides you with extra skills and experience to become a professional and specialised coach/counsellor. After this programme, you will be able to work independently – for example in your own practice – and you will be able to guide people thoroughly and in-depth on a wide variety of issues.
What will you learn in the second year programme?
In this training programme you will:
- Learn how to work with clients on the themes of personal life and health, family and relationships, career, leadership and team, and mourning, trauma and recovery.
- Learn how change and learning processes work and how to apply them in your daily practice.
- Learn how to intervene in a professional manner on disturbances in the coaching process.
- Learn to understand and apply various coaching/counselling-roles and techniques.
- Gain deeper knowledge and skills regarding coaching on specific themes.
Who are your fellow students?
The students in the second year course are people who want to specialise in a certain field of coaching/counselling. Your fellow students all have successfully concluded the first year or have gained at least basic coaching and counselling skills otherwise. The area of specialisation can differ per person. The programme is designed to give every student the opportunity to deepen their general skills, learn from and with their peers and to specialise in the field of their personal choice.
Course schedule
The programme consists of 10 days of class, in which the following themes and subjects will be covered:
Day 1
- Psychology of learning and change
- Change and resistance
- Humanistic psychology, positive psychology and social psychology on change
- The client’s learning process
- Motivation
- Methodologies to achieve change
Day 2 and 3 – Personal life and health
- Psycho-social stages of development
- Mindset and coping
- Energy, stress and burn-out
- The Wheel of Life
- Positive health
- Rational Emotive Therapy: beliefs, emotions and behaviour
- Motivational interviewing
- Solution-focused therapy
Day 4 and 5 – Family and relationships
- Family constellations
- Systemic work in organisations
- Attachment styles
- Transactional Analysis
- Healthy and unhealthy communication patterns
- Transference, countertransference and projection
Day 6 and 7 – Career, leadership and team
- Career counselling
- Developing a corporate coaching programme
- Understanding the levels of an organisation
- Change management
- Team coaching
- Management coaching
- Creative thinking
Day 8 and 9 – Mourning, trauma and recovery
- Psychology of loss and grief counselling
- Theories on grief
- Trauma counselling
- Recovery coaching, Post-traumatic growth
- ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy)
- Mindfulness
- Polyvagal theory
- Window of tolerance
Day 10 – Starting your own practice
- Who have you become as a coach/counsellor?
- Business skills for coaches
- Knowledge and skills needed to start your own practice
- Re-cap of the programme: your lessons learned
Classroom and online programme
Coaching and Counselling Year 2 is available as a classroom programme and a Live Online programme. Please find more information about the online programme here.
The study load for this training programme is approximately 8 to 10 hours per week.
Coaching and Counselling Year 2 Details
Coaching and Counselling Year 2
Programme language:
10 months
10 days of class
Study load:
8 – 10 hours per week
Group size:
Classroom Programme: 10 – 14 participants
Online Programme: 6 – 10 participants
Educational level:
Bachelor-level (post bachelor / post-HBO)
First year Coaching and Counselling training programme or a comparable coach/counsel training programme with a minimum of 10 days.
Portfolio and a personal specialisation project of approx. 20 hours
Students will receive the Coaching and Counselling Year 2 diploma when:
- The minimum attendance rule of 90% has been met.
- The portfolio has a sufficient result/mark.
- The oral exam has a sufficient result/mark.
- A positive trainer’s assessment has been obtained.
- Have met the requirements for working with practice clients.
- Have met the requirements for intervision.
- 3 hours of supervision has been completed (proof required).
- All course fees have fully been paid.
In this training programme, 3 hours of supervision are compulsory. Supervision needs to be arranged and purchased by the students themselves. We have a team of supervisors within the ACC who you can choose from, but you can also select an LVSC-registered supervisor (web page in Dutch). Click here for an overview of ACC-supervisors.
During the training programme you work on your portfolio, which includes reports on your learning process, your specialisation essay, the sessions with your practice clients, intervision, supervision and practised methodologies.
Practice clients:
A minimum of 40 hours of working with practice clients is required. The student will need to arrange the practice clients themselves.
Attendance requirements:
Students are required to attend at least 90% of classes to able to receive a diploma, with mandatory attendance for the first and last day of class.
This training programme is certified by the LVSC. After completing this programme you can register with the LVSC as a Register Coach. In the meantime, as a student it is possible to register as a student-member and as a ‘Aspirant-Registercoach’.
The ACC is also recognized by the International Association for Counselling (IAC). This means that our institute has the IAC quality mark and you, as an ACC student, can join the IAC as a member.
If you have an ACC diploma, you can become a register member of the NFG and, under certain conditions, this could lead to reimbursement by health insurance.
Click here for more information on certification and recognition of the ACC.
As of May 2024, our training programme Coaching and Counselling Year 2 has been accredited by the SKB. Click here for more information about this SKB accreditation.
EC credits:
Literature list:
Download the literature list for this training programme here.
Order literature:
Order your literature online on Amy & Eva. The ACC and Amy & Eva are partners. By ordering your books at Amy & Eva you donate up to 12% to a good cause, without it costing you anything extra!
Start fall 2025:
Total amount € 3750,-. Payment in 3 instalments: € 1250,- per term.*
Extra costs:
Three hours of supervision. The costs for supervision are not included in the price of the training programme and should be paid to the supervisor directly.
In case you choose one of ACC’s supervisors, the costs are € 100,- per hour (€ 300,- for 3 hours). NB: this is a special rate for ACC-students. Please click here for an overview of ACC-supervisors. Students also have the option to choose an LVSC-registered supervisor instead (web page in Dutch). In this case, the price varies per supervisor.
*Payment in instalments is possible (max. 3). However, the full tuition needs to be paid before the start of the course.
All amounts include administration costs (of € 50), the study syllabus (of € 50) and examination costs. Literature/books are not included in the tuition fees and need to be arranged by the students themselves. If a re-examination is required for the portfolio and corresponding oral examination, the costs for this are € 200,-.
NB: The study syllabus is issued once per student. Only in exceptional cases is it possible to request a reprint of the syllabus. If a reprint is approved by the ACC, the costs will be € 100,- (including administration costs and shipping costs within the Netherlands).
The Academy for Coaching and Counselling is registered with the CRKBO, which means that our training courses are exempt from btw (Dutch VAT).
Register for the training programme
The programme Coaching and Counselling Year 2 is a specialisation programme. You can be admitted to the programme in any of the following cases:
- You have completed the ACC’s Coaching and Counselling Year 1 programme.
- You have completed a comparable coach/counsel training programme with a minimum of 10 days and have been granted exemption for the training programme Coaching and Counselling Year 1*.
* To request an exemption for Coaching and Counselling Year 1, you need to complete our exemption form. Please send us an email at info@counselling.nl to request this form.
If you have attended the first-year training programme with the ACC or have received an exemption for the first-year programme, we kindly ask you to register via the ‘Register‘ button below.
Classroom Programme
If the table below is not fully shown on your mobile phone, please rotate your screen (one-quarter turn).
Starting date | End date | Day | Class times | Trainer | Location | |
26-09-2025 | 26-06-2026 | Friday | 10.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. | Arjan van Dijk | Amsterdam (location TBA) | |
03-10-2025 | 19-06-2026 | Friday | 10.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. | Mado Remkes | Utrecht |
Online Programme
If the table below is not fully shown on your mobile phone, please rotate your screen (one-quarter turn).
Starting date | End date | Day | Class times | Trainer | Location | |
04-10-2025 | 20-06-2026 | Saturday | 10.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. | Judith Wolterink | Online |
The classroom programme will start when a minimum of 10 students have enrolled where we aim to limit the number of participants to maximum 14 students per group, however this can be exceeded by a few if necessary. The online programme will start when a minimum of 6 students have enrolled with a maximum 10 students per group. As soon as a sufficient number of applicants have enrolled, we will confirm the start of the programme (at the latest 2 weeks before the start of the course). In case the minimum number of students has not been met, or when a course is full, we will try to find a solution for/with you, for example by postponing the start date a little or by creating a new group (if possible).
Students are required to attend at least 90% of classes to able to receive a diploma, with mandatory attendance for the first and last day of class.
Depending on how many English programmes will run simultaneously to your course, there might be an option to attend the missed day of class in a different group. This is however up to the discretion of the ACC and our teacher(s), and cannot be guaranteed.
I always thought I had some decent listening and counselling skills, but did not realize how much there still was to learn. This programme helped me a lot with that, especially due to the excellent teachers who gave us amazing feedback. I have grown a lot in the past 2 years of the courses as a person and as a professional coach/counsellor. Many of the methods we learned feel like they will become a staple in my future career.
I think the ACC’s programme is one of the best coaching programmes out there that I could’ve chosen from. The length, the content and the assignments of the programme really guarantees a transformative experience both professionally and personally. The first year for me was a personal transformation. I grew as human so much and I owe it to my teacher (Lya) and classmates for helping me throughout my journey. The second year was also very transformative for me, this time my transformation was around my profession as a coach/counsellor. I am again grateful for my teacher (Arjan) and classmates to help me with my journey. Overall, I recommend this programme to anyone looking to grow both professionally and personally among like-minded people.
After two years of training I feel ready to start my own coaching/counseling career, both from a personal growth and knowledge perspective.
This programme covers not only the theory and practical information, but also focuses on connecting with one’s human side. This combination helps in the overall development and understanding of the profession.
I looked into many different organizations providing such training. For me it was very important that I felt well equipped by my training to consider myself as a good coach and counsellor. Anyone who considers this profession, this is a programme which has been designed by professionals with high standards. I would not second guess my choice of registering this programme since this organization has proven me that you care about the high quality of this profession. Thank you for that.
Looking back, I have learnt a tremendous amount in the last two years. The courses have changed me as a person, I have evolved more than I was expecting too. I’ve grown in self-awareness, in confidence and pride. I know myself so much better than I ever did, and show up more authentically in life. The ACC courses have been a direct influence on this. Even if someone doesn’t want to become a coach/counsellor, I would recommend the ACC just for how much it’s helped me grow as a person.
This experience was so special to me. I learned so much, in a very fun and practical way also! I also got extra lucky because my group was amazing.
I found the program to be holistic, offering a seamless blend of theory and practice that opened my mind to new perspectives. It was easy for me to follow, thanks to the knowledgeable and experienced teachers who guided us every step of the way.
I find the second-year programme a fantastic experience. I have left every session feeling like I have not only grown a huge amount as a coach, but also as a person and that my knowledge base has been greatly enhanced. Arjan is a huge asset to the ACC team and I know lots of my classmates agree with what a wonderful job he is doing delivering the course, helping us grow, and inspiring us in every way!
The coaching and counseling second year was the deepening kick I needed to start my coaching practice. The four major themes convinced me that I could be with my client in most circumstances. The freedom of expression I experienced during the training helped me develop my specialization toward integrating my life experience in my practice. The trainer created a safe and supportive environment to explore and test new techniques. Dialog and sharing our own life experienced help to actively engage with the (sometimes difficult) themes at hand. This training met my criteria and I recommend it.
The Live Online – Coaching and Counselling Year 2 course is the online version of the classroom course Coaching and Counselling Year 2. More information about the content of this course can be found here. Below you will find what it means to follow live online courses and how to register for this course.
How does the Live Online Training work?
You will follow the lessons from the convenience of your own home via Zoom. You can even attend class from other locations, wherever you are in the world, as long as you have a computer with webcam available. The online lessons will be taught live on camera by a teacher, while all students are visible onscreen and can interact as needed. Throughout the session, the teacher can separate the students in smaller groups to practice the different techniques and methodologies. This means that the online lessons offer very similar possibilities as the classroom lessons.
We allow between 6 and 10 participants per group, to achieve the best possible learning environment. Outside class-hours, so in your own time, you will meet (online) with your fellow students to practice and have so called ‘intervision’ meetings. You will find your own coaching clients for practice sessions, which can be done online as well, or in real life, as you please.
Overall, this online training programme gives you the opportunity to learn proper coaching and counselling skills from anywhere in the world, while still interacting with a teacher and fellow students.
What do we expect from you during an online class day?
To participate in online class days effectively and with focus, we expect the following from students:
- You attend the online classes using a laptop or computer (not a mobile phone). Please ensure you have a working camera and microphone.
- You are in a quiet environment while attending the classes, with minimal background noise.
- You make sure you are not disturbed by, for example, housemates, children, pets or your phone.
When will the Live Online take place?
The Live Online programme Coaching and Counselling Year 2 will start again in the fall of 2025. The programme will be held on Saturdays and will start on 4 October 2025.
How can you register for this programme?
On the tab Location and dates you can register for the Live Online programme. Below the classroom programme you will find the option to register for the Live Online variant of Coaching and Counselling Year 2.