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Student reviews

The reviews on this website are meant to share with others how you experienced the ACC and/or our training programmes. Would you like to write a review? We would love it if you did! Click here for more information and the conditions for writing a review.

I always thought I had some decent listening and counselling skills, but did not realize how much there still was to learn. This programme helped me a lot with that, especially due to the excellent teachers who gave us amazing feedback. I have grown a lot in the past 2 years of the courses as a person and as a professional coach/counsellor. Many of the methods we learned feel like they will become a staple in my future career.

I think the ACC’s programme is one of the best coaching programmes out there that I could’ve chosen from. The length, the content and the assignments of the programme really guarantees a transformative experience both professionally and personally. The first year for me was a personal transformation. I grew as human so much and I owe it to my teacher (Lya) and classmates for helping me throughout my journey. The second year was also very transformative for me, this time my transformation was around my profession as a coach/counsellor. I am again grateful for my teacher (Arjan) and classmates to help me with my journey. Overall, I recommend this programme to anyone looking to grow both professionally and personally among like-minded people.

After two years of training I feel ready to start my own coaching/counseling career, both from a personal growth and knowledge perspective.

This programme covers not only the theory and practical information, but also focuses on connecting with one’s human side. This combination helps in the overall development and understanding of the profession.

I looked into many different organizations providing such training. For me it was very important that I felt well equipped by my training to consider myself as a good coach and counsellor. Anyone who considers this profession, this is a programme which has been designed by professionals with high standards. I would not second guess my choice of registering this programme since this organization has proven me that you care about the high quality of this profession. Thank you for that.

Looking back, I have learnt a tremendous amount in the last two years. The courses have changed me as a person, I have evolved more than I was expecting too. I’ve grown in self-awareness, in confidence and pride. I know myself so much better than I ever did, and show up more authentically in life. The ACC courses have been a direct influence on this. Even if someone doesn’t want to become a coach/counsellor, I would recommend the ACC just for how much it’s helped me grow as a person.

This experience was so special to me. I learned so much, in a very fun and practical way also! I also got extra lucky because my group was amazing.

I found the program to be holistic, offering a seamless blend of theory and practice that opened my mind to new perspectives. It was easy for me to follow, thanks to the knowledgeable and experienced teachers who guided us every step of the way.

I find the second-year programme a fantastic experience. I have left every session feeling like I have not only grown a huge amount as a coach, but also as a person and that my knowledge base has been greatly enhanced. Arjan is a huge asset to the ACC team and I know lots of my classmates agree with what a wonderful job he is doing delivering the course, helping us grow, and inspiring us in every way!

I am already working in the field of coaching and I must admit that I was really impressed by the quality of the programme given by ACC. The trainers are highly qualified and always available to reply to your questions. The learning process gave me the opportunity to develop further my coaching skills with my clients but also my creativity and self-growth. I would highly recommend this course to anyone willing to become a coach/counsellor or to strengthen their existing professional competences.

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